Common Varicose Vein Complications

///Common Varicose Vein Complications

Common Varicose Vein Complications

Most people consider varicose veins to be an annoying cosmetic issue that makes their legs look ugly.

However, according to vein specialists, the biggest problem they pose is not unsightly looks; it’s the possible complications that can occur if they aren’t treated promptly.

How Do Varicose Veins Form?

Our veins have tiny valves inside them that keep blood moving in the right direction. This ensures that organs and tissues in the body receive proper oxygen and nutrients for optimal health.

Sometimes, the functioning of the valves gets affected due to weak or damaged veins. This causes the flow of blood to slow down, forming pools behind the valves. The veins start bulging with excess blood that can’t flow properly as a result. Apart from pain and discomfort, varicose veins also cause swelling and unsightly purple lines on the legs.

expert vascular vein specialist in NYC

Common Varicose Vein Complications

Properly functioning veins are essential for optimal blood circulation. So, it should come as no surprise that leaving varicose veins untreated for long can lead to serious complications. These include:

Pain and Leg Cramps:

Pain in the leg and cramps become worse and more frequent with time when varicose veins are left untreated. They can become severe enough to start interfering with normal day-to-day activities.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Varicose veins can progress with time and lead to uncomfortable disorders such as restless leg syndrome. The annoying and irresistible urge to move the leg often occurs in bed and disturbs the sleeping pattern of the person. It can also occur during the day causing embarrassment in social situations.

Ulcers and Eczema

Varicose veins often cause the skin to change, leading to the formation of deep sores—also known as ulcers. The skin around the affected veins often becomes thinner and more fragile with time, increasing the risk of inflammation and ulcers.

The dryness and itchiness experienced as a result of skin changes can also lead to skin infections and eczema.

Professional Treatment for Venous Diseases in New York:

Varicose Veins Doctors is a top-ranked vein treatment center in New York. We offer multiple treatment options and personalized treatment plans to ensure quick and optimal results for our patients.

Our team of certified vein physicians in NYC specializes in treating various venous diseases using advanced treatment methods to prevent varicose vein complications.

Get in touch with us for conditions such as varicose veins, spider veins, restless leg syndrome, leg cramps, chronic venous insufficiency, or to improve your overall circulation.

Call 212-906-9111 to schedule your vein evaluation today!

By |2021-02-12T14:13:56+00:00February 8th, 2020|Blog, Venous Diseases|Comments Off on Common Varicose Vein Complications

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